Youth Leadership for a Climate Resilient Future

The WWF Environment and Disaster Team organizes bi-monthly continuing education seminars on topics related to environmentally responsible disaster management which serve as a space to share better practices, case studies and lessons learned. Watch the recording of the seminar on “Youth Leadership for a Climate Resilient Future:” available in English. Three inspiring young environmental leaders shared their…

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Nature-based Flood Management in Urban Settings: Lessons learned from City Adapt in Xalapa, Mexico

The WWF Environment and Disaster Team organizes bi-monthly continuing education seminars on topics related to environmentally responsible disaster management which serve as a space to share lessons learned. Watch the recording of the seminar on “Nature-based Flood Management in Urban Settings: Lessons learned from CityAdapt in Xalapa, Mexico” available in both Spanish and English. Sergio Angon from…

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Nature-Based Solutions in a Changing Climate: Case study on Climate-Smart Mangrove Conservation and Restoration

The WWF Environment and Disaster Team organizes bi-monthly continuing education seminars on topics related to environmentally responsible disaster management which serve as a space to share lessons learned. Watch the recording of the seminar on Nature-Based Solutions in a Changing Climate: Case study on Climate-Smart Mangrove Conservation and Restoration. Following an introduction to ecosystem restoration…

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The role of wetlands in ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR)

The WWF Environment and Disaster Team organizes bi-monthly continuing education seminars on topics related to environmentally responsible disaster management which serve as a space to share lessons learned and build a community of practice. Watch the recording of the seminar on wetlands and ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR). This seminar focused on the guidebook titled…

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Floods in Pakistan: A look into past events and preparation for the future

The WWF Environment and Disaster Team organizes bi-monthly continuing education seminars on topics related to environmentally responsible disaster management which serve as a space to share lessons learned and build a community of practice. Watch the recording of the August seminar on “Floods in Pakistan: A Look into Past Events and Preparations for the Future,”…

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Adaptación y recuperación verde en Guatemala: lecciones aprendidas

El equipo de WWF de Gestión y Medioambiente organiza seminarios bimensuales de Educación Continua sobre temas relacionados con la Guía Verde para Inundaciones que son un espacio para compartir lecciones aprendidas y desarrollar una comunidad de práctica. Vea la grabación del seminario de octubre sobre “Adaptación y recuperación verde en Guatemala: lecciones aprendidas”, donde nos acompañaron…

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GRRT: Rebuilding Stronger, Safer, Environmentally Sustainable Communities after Disasters

Credits to American Red Cross

Woodrow Wilson Center Environmental Change and Security Program panel discussion on November 19, 2010. On November 19, 2010, the Green Recovery and Reconstruction Training Toolkit was launched at the Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars in Washington, DC. Panel speakers from U.S. government, academic, and NGO institutions discussed the challenges and opportunities facing the integration of environmental and humanitarian…

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Natural & Nature-Based Flood Management Methods: A Green Guide

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in partnership with U.S. Agency for International Development Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) has developed the Natural & Nature-Based Flood Management: A Green Guide to support local communities’ flood management efforts. Utilizing an integrated watershed approach, the Flood Green Guide was developed by an interdisciplinary team of subject matter experts from…

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Guía Natural de Manejo de Inundaciones: Una Guía Verde

La nueva Guía Natural de Manejo de Inundaciones: Una Guía Verde presenta el manejo de riesgo de inundaciones como un enfoque comprensivo, que explica como técnicas basadas en la naturaleza pueden ayudar a reducir el riesgo, y proveer beneficios a las comunidades, y complementan opciones de ingeniería.

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Is Your Construction Reducing Risk?

This is a short presentation that was given at the Shelter Centre Meeting 17 on October 6, 2017 by Vidushi Dwivedi, Resilient Reconstruction and Recovery Intern at Northwestern University and Jennifer Pepson Elwood, Manager of the Green Recovery Connect Helpdesk. The presentation provides an overview of the challenges with meeting global demands for building materials…

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