Urban Flood Management in a Changing Climate
The problems posed by urban flooding are difficult enough to confront and manage. These problems will become even more troublesome as the climate continues to change, as the degree and extent of climate variability move in unpredictable ways, and as a high level of uncertainty remains regarding the trends and possible next equilibrium state(s) of the world climate. The…
Read MoreManagement of Sediment-Related Risks
The primary objective of this document is to provide a tool to introduce approaches in identifying debris flows and landslide areas as well as to show how they can be managed successfully to minimize the loss of life through the process of: — Understanding characteristics of debris flows and landslides; — Identifying the benefits and losses through…
Read MoreFlood Management in a Changing Climate
The central theme of this tool is to bring the different aspects of climate variability and climate change as it effects flood risks with the aim to show possibilities of how they can be managed successfully. It will be argued that only the combination of spatial, technical and organizational measures will lead to a more…
Read MoreIntegrated Flood Management Concept Paper
This paper presents Integrated Flood Management (IFM) as an integral part of IWRM, and describes the interplay between floods and the development process. It takes a look at traditional flood management practices; identifies the major challenges for flood managers and decision-makers dealing with sustainable development; and describes the basic tenets and requirements of IFM. This…
Read MoreUrban Flood Risk Management
The central concern of this paper is to bring the different aspects of urban flood risks together under the umbrella of a risk management approach that aims to explain urban flood risks as well as to show possibilities of how they can be managed successfully. It will be argued that only the combination of spatial, technical and…
Read MoreConducting Flood Loss Assessments
This tool sets out to provide for the operational level a lead-in on available concepts and methods to assess flood losses for the activation and facilitation of local and external help and the formulation of recovery plans as well as long-term development planning and policy reform in the realm of flood management. Therefore, the material…
Read MoreFormulating a Basin Flood Management Plan
This tool is basically for the use of policy makers and flood practitioners to guide the contents and basic procedure of basin flood management planning. Several issues related to the flood management planning are explained such as national development vision/policy and enabling mechanism of planning. For more information visit:
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